Lindsay Lohan went from making $7 million a film to being "uninvited" from her own "Machete" premiere. She went from making Disney movies that grossed $91 million worldwide to starring in straight-to-cable films and bio-pictures about other sex slaves (her upcoming film "Inferno" tells the glamourized version of the tragic life of "Deepthroat" star Linda Lovelace). In a scary coincidence that mimics predictive programming, Lindsay made fun of her future during her monologue the second time she hosted Saturday Night Live back in 2005. She talked to the future Lindsay and discovered that in her future, she would be hosting soft-porn films on Cinemax if she didn't stop partying and didn't take better care of herself. While she isn't doing that just yet, she is starring as Linda Lovelace in "Inferno" and that is about as close as you could get. Linda Lovelace was forced into porn (like many porn "actresses") and forced to film gang rape and bestiality scenes by her sexually and physically abusive ex-husband. Do you really think the producers of "Inferno" are going to tackle these important issues or do you think they're just going to continue to dehumanize and exploit Lindsay? Based on the douche-bag director's comments about Lindsay's upcoming full frontal "cinematic nudity", I'm going to go with the latter. She already played a stripper in the horrible "I Know Who Killed Me" (which you can now catch on Lifetime) so its only natural in her evolution as a sex slave for the "elite" that she will be playing a porn star or hooker in her future.
Like many teenage boys, I first fell in love with Lilo in 2004, when she broke away from the Disney monarch machine to star in the teen comedy "Mean Girls." Besides Ginger, from "Gilligan's Island," (another character based on Lindsay's idol and original MK kitten, Marilyn Monroe) I'd never seen a redhead so beautiful. Gorgeous face, cute freckles, amazing bust, great smile--she was America's newest "It girl" for a reason. Unfortunately, Lindsay would never match the career high of "Mean Girls" and her personal life seemed to spiral out of control very quickly. Rumours (the title of Lindsay's first single--produced by former Sony head and abusive Mariah Carey ex-husband/handler, Tommy Motolla) of underage drinking, drug addiction and poor serial dating choices replaced her once squeaky clean Disney image and she would never be seen in the same light again. Four rehab stints and three arrests in a three year span have permanently changed her public persona and career options.

Lohan's latest drama included serving 14 days of a 90 day jail sentence and 23 days of a court ordered 90 day rehabilitation treatment. She was released early from jail due to overcrowding and instead of going to the undisclosed rehab facility in Costa Mesa, as reported, she was taken to the notorious mind control center at U.C.L.A. U.C.L.A.'s Neuropsychiatric Institute was the former home of Louis J. West, who coordinated all mind control activity for the C.I.A. on the west coast. U.C.L.A. has been surrounded in controversy in recent years with allegations of psychiatric abuse, invasion of privacy, students illegally receiving their licenses, sexual abuse and involvement in the underground human body trade. When I first brought up these allegations in the comment section of Dlisted-- a gossip web site run by the stereotypical, obnoxious, dehumanizing (every other woman is a "bitch"), homosexual blogger Michael K (MK), I was laughed at by people who spend their entire day making fun of celebrities for being overweight or having attractive mates. One commenter in particular scoffed at the idea that U.C.L.A. was involved in mind control because she herself had gone to school at the University of South California. No one could provide any reasonable arguments against my research though. I guess when you waste 3 years of your life ragging on human beings you will never even meet or quite live up to, you replace all comprehension and logic with bitter jealousy.
Between 1998 and 2003, former autopsy technician Ernest Nelson removed parts of 496 cadavers and paid out cashier's checks to the head of U.C.L.A.'s Willed Body Program, Henry Reid, totaling $704,600. The scandal sent shockwaves through the medical community but this was not the only issue in recent years. Starting in February 2008, the affiliated Cedars-Sinai hospital was accused of delivering overdoses of radiation to 206 patients during CT brain perfusion scans over an 18 month period. In June 2009, actor Dennis Quaid and his wife received a $500,000 settlement from the hospital after their twins were given an overdose of the blood thinning drug heparin when they were born in November 2007.
It was widely reported that Lindsay was addicted to alcohol, cocaine, methamphetamine and the prescription drugs Adderall, Ambien and Dilaudid--a powerful opiate pain killer. She has been photographed drinking vodka at age 16 and falling out of 21+ clubs ever since. The cocaine rumors have plagued Lindsay since at least 2004 and in 2007 she was secretly filmed snorting and sharing the substance with friends inside a bathroom stall at popular underage hangout Teddy's, at the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood. In February 2005, Lindsay did her first Vanity Fair cover, where she half-admitted to using blow only saying that it was a "sore subject" because her father, fame-whore Michael Lohan, abused cocaine when she was younger. Twice in 2007, Lindsay was arrested for drunk driving and cocaine possession but due to overcrowding, she only served 84 minutes of a 21 day sentence on November 15, 2007. In early 2010, Lindsay told the Sun that she admitted herself into rehab the first time because she was abusing Ambien and collapsed in her bathroom wating for her tub to fill with water saying, "The first time I checked myself in was because I had taken Ambien. It's a sleeping aid but it makes you hallucinate." When Lindsay was released from U.C.L.A., her doctors told the press that they released her because she was not an addict by their standards, nor did she suffer from bi-polar disorder. What was the problem then? Did she just need some programming to straighten herself out?

After all of this, Lindsay and her mother Dina Lohan have still seemed very much in denial of Lindsay's escalating issues. After her second arrest in 2007, Lindsay released a statement saying, "It is clear to me that my life has become completely unmanageable because I am addicted to alcohol and drugs." Dina recently told the Today Show's Matt Lauer that Lindsay had only been in rehab twice and seemed to only deny that her daughter was in serious trouble. Lindsay's father, Michael Lohan, blames Dina and Dina and Lindsay blame him but its obvious that they are all to blame and Lindsay needs to separate herself from all toxic enablers and users in her life. Michael Lohan accused his ex-wife of abusing alcohol and cocaine with his daughter and Lindsay has repeatedly accused Michael of physically abusing her mother. In late 2009, Courtney Love made shocking allegations against the fathers of Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan. She said that both Britney and Lindsay had been sexually abused by their fathers. Shortly after making these statements, her daughter with Kurt Cobain, Francis Bean Cobain (named after mentally ill actress Frances Farmer) was taken out of her custody. Courtney Love says a lot of wild stuff but being involved in this sick world of programming herself, I think she would have a better idea than most. Was she telling us something we needed to take a seriously look into and silenced? The judgmental part of you might want to dismiss it as the crazy rants of a notorious drug addict but don't write these allegations off so fast.
Many Monarch slaves are repeatedly sexually abused by family members. They are programmed from an early age with physical and sexual abuse. Jamie Spears, father of Britney, was an alcoholic most of Britney's life and from a young age, she was turned into the family's bread winner, which is a lot of pressure for a child. Like Lindsay, she was also part of the twisted Disney manufactured programming before she hit it big as a teenager. It wouldn't be too hard to believe that both girls were victims of incest and rape at the hands of the men closest to them--especially greedy, lazy, dependent, drug addicts like their fathers. Lindsay would later appear with scarring and evidence of physical trauma, only to deny self-mutilation and have her mother make up these ridiculous excuses for her.

If her handlers (who might be into sado-masochism and sexual abuse) are not abusing her, then is Lindsay hurting herself? Many "cutters" admit that they will inflict pain on themselves when experiencing the numbness of dissociation. To many of them, cutting themselves allows them to feel something again, or bring them back to reality. We already know that mind control victims are forced into dissociation by their evil handlers with triggers and abuse/programming.

The crossroads is repeatedly referred to in pop culture. In the folk magic of many cultures, the crossroads is a location "between the worlds;" a site where supernatural spirits can be contacted and paranormal events can take place. Symbolically, it can mean a locality where two realms touch and therefore represents liminality, a place literally "neither here nor there" or "betwixt and between." Probably the most famous legend about the crossroads comes from the music industry. The crossroads is where it is said that Robert Johnson met the Devil and sold his soul for incredible music talent, fame and fortune--a common theme in itself in the music industry.

The future could hold many things for Lindsay Lohan but I'm sure we can continue to expect much more scandal, denial and negative occult imagery. I have always respected her more than the Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie's of the world as she is a legitimate actress, but with the pressures of Hollywood and all of the seemingly bad influences in her life, it's anybodies guess what she will do with what options she has left. Dina Lohan told the press recently that her daughter would be leaving Los Angles but unfortunately for Lindsay, the courts are not allowing her to leave/recover. Hmmm...I wonder why? Maybe because she's considered property of her handlers? It was rumored that Britney Spears' old manager/handler Larry Rudolph would be managing/handling Lindsay from now on and this really worried me but luckily, he denied this.

The Robert Rodriguez film "Machete" opened last weekend to modest reviews but the even bigger story was that because of all of the negative press from Lindsay, Rodriguez has uninvited her to the premiere and did not want her doing any press for the film. Has she burned her last bridge? She came out of her stint at U.C.L.A. looking clean and happy but who knows what really went on in there. Can she keep up a positive image for the sake of her career. More importantly, can she save herself from self-destruction? Her programming seems pretty set in stone. In 2008, she was desperately trying to get an audition for Disney and Tim Burton's 3-D adaptation of "Alice in Wonderland" but clearly, her personal life had eclipsed her career.

I can only assume that she is wearing this shirt because of the skull & bones symbol but at least she looks happy.
MaXiM is always willing to use a beautiful girl with daddy issues.
Even if her career never picks up, at least she'll always have her looks to fall back on. Word is she is being offered $900,000 to pose for Playboy. If she goes through with it, you know she's going to use that same old excuse, "Marilyn Monroe posed for the first issue of Playboy and it was so classy!" Marilyn never posed for Playboy though. She was hard on ca$h and posed for a nude calendar and after she made a name for herself (or rather, someone else did), pedophile Hugh Hefner purchased the negatives and exploited her image and built a huge empire off of the rape and dehumanization (bunny ears and tails) of women. Don't do it, Lindsay!