Alexander asks: "How’s your problems with your fiancĂ©?"
Britney answers: "That (explative) is not my fiancé."
Alexander: "I thought he proposed to you or something at the beach."
Britney: "Before or after he beat on me?"
Britney's manager/handler Larry Rudolph told Access Hollywood that the recording is a fake, telling Billy Bush, "We are 100 percent taking stern and immediate legal action." Both Star and Radar say they are sticking by their stories. Britney's 29th birthday is tomorrow. She is at the age that many Monarch slaves start to becoming self-aware for the first time. Two years ago, during her campaigning for her Circus album, Britney gave MTV a look into her life in her Britney: For the Record documentary. During the interview, Britney said that she felt like a prisoner after her father/handler/alleged sexual abuser Jamie Spears gained conservatorship and Larry Rudolph regained his status as her manager.
During the same MTV documentary, Britney said she lost all the joy in her life after being placed under the conservatorship of her father and that now she was paying a big price for the mistakes she made in 2007. Hopefully, the recordings are fake. Jason Alexander said in 2008, that he no longer communicated with Britney so it seems kind of out of left field that she would just call him and tell him her boyfriend was abusive.