Google, the top search engine company, has announced on its official blog, that it has agreed to acquire Seattle-based anti-piracy software company Widevine, in order to enhance its online video service.
The purchase price is not disclosed. However, according to a report from Seattle Times on Friday (3rd December), Widevine has raised more than 6500 million U.S. dollars from some investors including Cisco. Seattle Times also reported that, Widevine's digital rights management software have been used on over 250 million network TV sets and other devices that can be connected to the network, to prevent the use of pirated video content.
Vice presiden of Google Mario Querioz announced in Google's official blog that 'we are very excited to welcome Widevine to join Google. We will work together to improve the access to lots of video content on network.'
Sources reported that the Chicago Internet company Groupon has rejected Google's 5 billions U.S. dollars takeover offer. It was during this time, Google announced the acquisition of Widevine.
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