“I began greying at 20,'' he says. So, another cluster showing up at 37 is hardly causing concern to the debonair filmmaker who celebrates his birthday today. “I always felt old thanks to my premature greying ,” he laughs. “I don’t know whether being in your 30’s is old or young, but I feel like a very senior member of the film fraternity. I don’t qualify as a young filmmaker anymore,” he admits.
“But,'' he says, “You are as young as your content and vision, and I am hoping that these two remain young in me.''
Karan’s going out of the country to shoot for My name is Khan. Naturally his mind is preoccupied with the madness usually surrounding an outdoor shoot. “Frankly celebration isn’t on top of my mind now. And, if I’ve no choice, it’ll be a small and private affair,” he says. On the eve of his bid day, he chats with PT.
Gifts galore
My parents never gave me birthday gifts; however, through the year we keep exchanging gifts. I hoard the gifts I get from my friends. I also have the habit of losing gifts. Yesterday, I lost a beautiful watch gifted by Adi( Chopra) on my last birthday.
Scandals - Me, Myself & I
I am essentially not a scandalous person. But, I have a lot of skeletons in my cupboard, tightly and firmly placed. If I reveal them, they’ll not remain skeletons.
Naughty Boy
I have 100 naughty wishes and it would be so nice if my fantasy becomes reality. But my fantasies are unprintable!
Relationship fundas....
For me commitment, hope and faith make a relationship. I have many who broke my trust professionally, and some personally, and these are the times I tested my faith. But, I never lost hope.
Marooned on an island
There’s always a physical undertone to this phrase... But, if I am marooned on any island, I will look for someone who can help me get out of it. I can’t for God’s sake have good thoughts, stuck in isolation! I am a people’s person, and need to be surrounded by them. I can’t be there stuck with one person. It’ll be a torture.
My hero...my father...
My father was a selfless human being. It’s a quality that is extinct today. Have I inherited that quality from him? No. How can we remain selfless in today’s times?
Mom’s the word
Mom’s an exceptionally strong force in my life. Nothing can break me when she is around. She supports all my decisions; if for some reason she’s against something, I go by her instinct.